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Kiss, Endre; philosopher

Endre Kiss (1947) is D.Sc. (Doctor of the Hungarian Science Academy), Dr. phil., PhD and Dr. habil.

Professional experiences:

Eötvös Loránd University (Budapest) Department of Modern Philosophy (Professor); Kodolányi János University College (Professor), Institute for Strategic Research (Re-search Director); Hegel-Fukuyama Philosophical Association (Founding President)

Main research areas:

Philosophy of classical idealism, Nietzsche, philosophy of science, sociology of knowledge, globalisation, information and knowledge society

Intellectual profile:

The philosophical work of Endre Kiss can be divided into three parts. In the first part he used to deal with the history of philosophy and notion in the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy and their prob-lems in Hungary. The historical and political reasons explaine how this historical work could be both an explorative and utopian work in the same time—just in the second half of the “existing so-cialism”. He wrote two comprehensive books about this intellectual milieu (in Hungarian: 1978, in German: 1986). He wrote also two books about Herman Broch (the second one was also published in German). Two of his books are written about the culture of Hungary at the turn of the century in an European and Central-European frame.
In the second part of his work he focused on Friedrich Nietzsche. He wrote a book about the re-ception of the philosophy of Nietzsche in Hungary (1982), and a monograph about the philosophy of Nietzsche (1993). The falsified philosophy of Nietzsche in the former Eastern Block has been rehabilitated partly by his efforts.
In the third part of his philosophical work he has examined the complex problems of the local and global developments after 1989. In 1991 he founded a research group for elaborating the philoso-phical interpretation of the present era. He tried to fulfil it from several parallel perspectives, like the theory of globalisation, information society, the post-modern, the daily consciousness, the cur-rent problems of the philosophical typology. These works have crystallized in the theoretical in-terpretation of globalisation. In the last years—based on the results of interpreting globalisation—he focused on the theoretical interpretation of the information and knowledge society.
He was the first Hungarian philosopher attaining Humboldt Fellowship. He gained a stipend from Österreichische Gesellschaft für Literatur (twice, 1988, 1994). He was invited by the University Paris 8 (Vincennes a Saint-Denis), the Katholische Akademie (Hamburg) and the Schweizerischer Nationalfond (1991). He has studied Nietzsche-manuscripts for two months in Weimar (1990) and the bequest of Herman Broch at Yale University, New Haven as a Visiting Fellow. He was hon-oured with “Prize for Outstanding Work” in 1986. He gained the Eötvös memorial medal in 1998 and the Valóság (Reality) periodical’s prize in 1994.

Major publications (a selection):

A k.u.k. általános világrend halála Bécsben (K.u.K.: Death of a General World Order in Vienna, Budapest, 1978); Hermann Broch elmélete a polihisztorikus regény-ről (Herman Broch’s Theory of Polihistoric Novel, Budapest, 1981); A világnézet kora. Friedrich Nietzsche abszolutumokat relativizáló hatása a századelőn (The Era of Weltanschauung: The History of Nietzsche’s Reception Relativising Absolute Values, Budapest, 1982); Szecesszió egykor és most (Art Noveau Then and Now, Budapest, 1986); Der Tod der k.u.k. Weltordnung in Wien (Wien—Köln—Graz, 1986); Friedrich Nietzsche filozófiája. Kritikai pozitivizmus és az értékek átértékelése (Friedrich Nietzsche’s Philosophy, Critical Positivism and Revaluation of Values, Budapest, 1993); Von Hamann bis Fukuyama. Die Philosophie und ihre Anerkennung (1994); Studien über österreichische Philosophie (Cuxhaven—Dartford, 1995); Against New Metaphysics. Studies on Posi-tive Metaphysics and Everyday Consciousness (Cuxhaven—Dartford, 1996); Monetarismus und Lib-eralismus. Zu einer Theorie der globalen und geschichtsphilosophischen Aktualitaet (Dresden, 1998); Zur Rekonstruktion der Praesentistischen Rationalitaet Mittel-Europas (Cuxhaven—Dartford, 1998); A negativ univerzalizmus filozófiája és irodalma. Intellektuális monográfia Hermann Brochról ((Phi-losophy and Literature of Negative Universalism: An Intellectual Monography on Hermann Broch, Veszprém, 1999); Philosophie und Literatur des negativen Universalismus. Intellektuelle Mono-graphie über Hermann Broch (Cuxhaven—Dartford, 2001); Monetarista globalizáció és magyar rendszerváltás. Társadalomfilozófiai tanulmányok (Monetarist Globalisation and the Hungarian Po-litical Transitions, Budapest, 2002); Globalizáció és/vagy posztmodern. Tanulmányok a jelen elmé-letéről (Globalisation And/Or Post-Modernism. Studies on the Theory of Present, Budapest—Székesfehérvár, 2003); Erkenntnis als maechtiger Affekt. Nietzsche-Studien (Junghans, Cuxhaven—Dartford, 2003); Magyarország útja az EU-ba (Hungary’s Way to EU, Friedrich Ebert Alapítvány, Budapest, 2004); Friedrich Nietzsche evilági filozófiája. Életreform és kriticizmus között (The This-Worldy Philosophy of Friedrich Nietzsche. Between Life Reform and Criticism, Gondolat, Budapest, 2005); Magyarország és a globalizáció (Hungary and the Globalisation, Kodolányi János Főiskola, Székesfehérvár, 2005)

Major publications with others (a selection):

A magyar filozófiai gondolkodás a századelőn (Hun-garian Philosophical Thinking at the Turn of the Century, with Kristóf Nyíri, Budapest, 1977); Mag-yar gondolkodás 1944 és 1948 között (Hungarian Thinking Between 1944-1948, with László Tütő, Budapest, 1990); Nation und Nationalismus in wissenschaftlichen Standardwerken Österreich-Ungarns ca. 1867-1918 (wuth Justin Stagl and Csaba Kiss Gy,, Wien—Köln—Graz, 1997); Civi-lizáció az ezredfordulón (Civilisation at the Turn of the Century, with Rimma Dalos, Budapest, 1997); Posztmodern és evolúció a jövőkutatásban. (Postmodern and Evolution in Future Research, with Éva Hideg and Erzsébet Nováky, Budapest 1998); Megérteni a globalizációt (Understanding Globalisa-tion, with János Molnár, Budapest, 1999); Incopark. Technológiai fejlesztési övezet (Incopark Tech-nological Development Area, with others, Budapest, 2000); A legutolsó utolsó esély. Új valóság és új vízió (The Very Last Chance, with Csaba Varga, Budapest, 2001); Intelligens régiók Magyarországon I. (Intelligent Regions in Hungary, with others, Budapest, 2001); A tudás társadalma I-II. (The Society of Knowledge, with Csaba Varga and others, Budapest, 2002)

Other activities:

Internationale Hegel-Gesellschaft (Hungarian commissioner 1988-2000, member of presidential board 1994-2000); Internationale Schopenhauer-Gesellschaft (presidential member); In-ternationale Robert Musil Archiv (presidential member 1990-1998); Förder- und Forschungsgemein-schaft Friedrich Nietzsche e.V. (charter member); German-Hungarian Philosophy Association (vice-president, 2003-); Philosophy Dispute (2004-); Internationale Canetti-, Feuerbach-, Fichte-, Jaspers-, Scheler-, Schelling- and Spinoza-Gesellschaft; Österreichische Schopenhauer- and Österreichische Nietzsche-Gesellschaft; Internationale Hermann Broch Arbeitskreis (charter member); Arbeitskreis für die Erforschung der mittel-europaeischer Nation-building in kultursoziologischer Sicht (charter member); AIPPH; Mónus Illés Akadémia a Demokratikus Társadalomért; GERM international scien-tific organisation (supervisor); Gesellschaft für Masse- und Macht-Forschung (GMMF, member of research board); Club of Rome (Hungarian Assistancy); Responsibility for Future Academic Club; Árpád Kiss Archives and Memorial Room (director); Európai Utas (European Traveller periodical, charter member); Pro Philosophia review (member of editorial board); American Biographical Insti-tute Inc. (member of Research Board); Inamori (member of Foundation Board); Hungarian Science Academy Regional Committee of Veszprém; Új Pedagógiai Szemle (New Paedagogical Review peri-odical, Chief of Editorial Board); Hungarian Paedagogical Association; College Internationale de la Philosophie (Hungarian Representative); Agora Interdisciplinaric Science Ass. (vice-president); Na-tion und Nationalismus in Österreich-Ungarn research project (co-director); Public Foundation of EU Communication (member of presidential advisory board); Phaenomen Europa. Europaeische Dimen-sionen phaenomenologischer Forschung research project (member of advisory board); Foundation for Creative Society; Hegel-Fukuyama Ass. (charter member and president); research director of the Insti-tute for Strategic Research (1998-); Center for Postmoderne Researches (Budapest-Székesfehérvár, cofounder, 2001).

Website: www.pointernet.pds.hu/kissendre
e-mail: andkiss@hu.inter.net

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