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Szász, Ilma; philosopher of religion, psychologist of religion

Ilma Szász (1937), scientist in comparative religion, mental hygienic doctor, MD, PhD, DSc. H. asso-ciate professor. She graduated from Semmelweis University of Medicine (Budapest) in medicine and mental hygiene.

Professional experiences:

Institute of Postgraduate Medicine; National Institute of Haematology; TÁMASZ Mental Hygienic Out-door Model Clinic

Research areas:

Imaginative and concentrative meditation techniques, Siddha-yoga, Sant Mat, Kriya-yoga, contemplative Christianity. Interpretation of the illuminations by Hildegard of bingen

Intellectual profile:

The author at first took up scientific research with holistic view in the fields of biochemistry and morphology on whole intact blood cells. Later she concentrated her interest to Hindu meditative schools and schemes of the higher worlds and compared these with ancient Christian traditions. She tested imaginative and concentrative meditative techniques in meditative groups. She strives for surveying the hierarchy of higher spheres and offers techniques which help the seeker to ex-perience these states.
She has been honoured with the Academic Prize.

Major publications:

Az Élő Fény Árnyéka (Shadow of the Living Light, Kőröspatak, Budapest, 1997, 1998); Az Örökéletnek Beszéde (The Speech of Eternal Life, Paradigma, Budapest, 1999); A Ponttól a Mandaláig (From Point to Mandala, Paradigma, Budapest, 2000, 2001); Az Úr Ruháját Hordja Min-den (All Wears the Lord's Attire, Víztérítő, Budapest, 2001); Tükör által - keresztény képmeditáció (Through Mirror-Christian Picture Meditation, Víztérítő, Budapest, 2003)

Other activities:

Fine arts, picture meditations.

Website: www.drszaszilma.fw.hu
e-mail: szaszilma@freemail.hu

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